
Bitcoin Cash Confirmations


Explore, sort and filter blocks from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain by height, reward, miner and more. Bitcoin (BTC) was created to function as peer-to-peer electronic cash. Whether you are spending or accepting BTC as payment it is prudent to understand how a transaction works. Bitcoin transactions are messages, like email, which are digitally signed using cryptography and sent to the entire.

Coinbase runs its own digital currency nodes that communicate with the rest of the network. When you initiate a transaction, we broadcast it to the rest of the network so it can be confirmed.

Our nodes may lose sync with the rest of the network for short periods of time. This can cause transactions to remain in the 'Pending' state for longer than normal. Usually the delay is under an hour, and the transaction will eventually go through normally.

Occasionally, transactions are not accepted by the rest of the network and therefore are never considered to be 'confirmed'.

Common causes of unconfirmed transactions

  • Sending a very small amount with insufficient fees
    All bitcoin transactions require a miner fee to be confirmed by the bitcoin network. When sending bitcoin you will be prompted to add a miner fee to make sure the transaction gets confirmed. If an insufficient fee is included, your transaction may never confirm.
  • A double-spend of the same coins
    Under normal conditions this should not occur with transactions generated by Coinbase (our backend systems are designed to prevent this), but in general if two transactions try to spend the same coins, one of them will never be confirmed by the network.
  • Trying to spend unconfirmed coins
    If you are trying to spend coins that appear as pending in your account, your transaction will not be generated until these coins confirm.
  • The network is experiencing high volume
    Sometimes there is a high volume of digital currency being sent globally, and there are more transactions than there is space available in each new block to include the transaction.

Bitcoin Confirmations

1. Bitcoin Confirmations

Bitcoin Cash Confirmations

Roughly every ten minutes, a new block is created and added to the blockchain through the mining process. This block verifies and records any new transactions. The transactions are then said to have been confirmed by the Bitcoin network.

For example, if Sean sends one bitcoin to John, this transaction will remain “unconfirmed” until the next block is created. Once that block is created and the new transaction is verified and included in that block, the transaction will have one confirmation. Approximately every ten minutes thereafter, a new block is created and the transaction is reconfirmed by the Bitcoin network. While some services are instant or only require one confirmation, many Bitcoin companies will require more as each confirmation greatly decreases the likelihood of a payment being reversed. It is common for six confirmations to be required which takes about an hour.

Bitcoin Cash ConfirmationsConfirmations

How many Bitcoin Confirmations are Enough?

  • Payments with 0 confirmations can still be reversed! Wait for at least one.
  • One confirmation is enough for small Bitcoin payments less than $1,000.
  • Alfacash requires 2+ confirmations for Bitcoin payments

Bitcoin Confirmations depend on many factors: congestion of the network, miner's fee, how many nodes relayed your transaction.

How to Check Bitcoin Confirmations


How Many Confirmations Does Bitcoin Cash Need

Once you make a transaction, your wallet should give you an option to view the transaction on a block explorer or give you the transaction ID.
A transaction ID looks like this: 7a43510802e113b7059851ef0a8a5c3625db37541861dd982f56253b2d5c4ff9

To check the number of confirmations for a transaction, paste the ID into a block explorer like blockchain.info/ :

Press enter and then you’ll see more details about your transaction:

How to make sure Bitcoin transaction is confirmed as quickly as possible?

To get your transaction quickly confirmed please refer to the estimation transaction time website bitcoinfees.earn.com and set recommended fee in your client prior sending the bitcoin transaction into network.

2. How many confirmations do you require to complete my cryptocurrency order? How can I track my cryptocurrency transaction?

alfa.cash requires certain amount of confirmations depending on the cryptocurrency:

Bitcoin - at least 2 confirmations. Track your Bitcoin transaction here: blockchain.info/
XRP - there is no payment confirmation at all, but payment must be validated in the ledger. Track you XRP transaction here: xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/transactions/ripple.com/build/ripple-info-tool/
Ethereum - at least 12 confirmations. Track your ethereum transaction here: etherscan.io/
Tether - at least 2 confirmations. Track your Tether transaction here: omniexplorer.info
Bitcoin Cash - at least 2 confirmations. Track your bitcoin cash transaction here: blocktrail.com/BCC
Litecoin - at least 6 confirmations. Track your Litecoin transaction here: live.blockcypher.com/ltc/
Stellar - at least 1 confirmation. Track your Stellar transaction here: stellarchain.io/
EOS - at least 295 confirmations. Track your EOS transaction here: bloks.io
Dash - at least 6 confirmations. Track your Dash transaction here: chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/
Monero - at least 15 confirmations. Track your Monero transaction here: https://xmrchain.net/
Zcash - at least 6 confirmations. Track your Zcash transaction here: explorer.zcha.in/
Ethereum Classic - at least 12 confirmations. Track your Ethereum Classic transaction here: gastracker.io/
NEM - at least 20 confirmations. Track your nem transaction here: chain.nem.ninja

How Many Confirmations For Bitcoin Cash

We hope you find our service easy and convenient to use.
Best wishes,
​Alfacash team.

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